The Lady Vanishes, Alfred Hitchcock, 1938, Islington (Gainsborough Studios) ?

Le Corbeau, Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1943, Montfort-l’Amaury ?

Avanti!, Billy Wilder, 1972, Ischia ?

Rebecca, Hitchcock, 1940, Cornwall ?

La Grande Illusion, Jean Renoir, 1937 ?

Written on the Wind, Douglas Sirk, 1956, Texas ?

The Scarlet Empress, Josef von Sternberg, 1934 ?

I Know Where I’m Going!, Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1945, the Hebrides ?

Quand passent les cigognes, Mikhaïl Kalatozov, 1958, festival de Cannes ?

A Matter of Life and Death, Michael Powell, 1946, Denham Film Studios ?