The entire world is a dread­ful col­lec­tion of mem­o­ran­da that she did exist, and that I have lost her!

Wuther­ing Heights is a nov­el pub­lished by Emi­ly Bron­të in Decem­ber 1847 under the pseu­do­nym Ellis Bell. The nov­el was writ­ten at the par­son­age in Haworth, a vil­lage in the West York­shire region of Eng­land, where Emi­ly and her sib­lings Char­lotte and Anne lived with their father, the Rev­erend Patrick Bron­të. It explores the destruc­tive pow­er of love and obses­sion through the tumul­tuous rela­tion­ship between Heath­cliff and Cather­ine Earn­shaw, set against the back­drop of the moors of York­shire in the late 18th and ear­ly 19th cen­turies, and remains a mas­ter­piece of Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture that con­tin­ues to cap­ti­vate read­ers today.

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Wuthering Heights