A sym­bol of peace, sent in the first satel­lite broad­cast sig­nal from Europe to Amer­i­ca in 1962.

The White Angel is a detail of a 14th-cen­tu­ry fres­co (Myrrhbear­ers at Christ’s tomb) locat­ed in the Mileše­va monastery near Pri­je­pol­je in Ser­bia. It is believed to have been paint­ed c.1235 dur­ing the rule of ser­bian king Ste­fan Vladislav and is con­sid­ered a mas­ter­piece of Byzan­tine art. It depicts an angel with a white robe and a gold­en halo, hold­ing a scroll with an inscrip­tion in Greek. The angel is often inter­pret­ed as a sym­bol of divine wis­dom and the fres­co is con­sid­ered an impor­tant exam­ple of the so-called “Palaiol­o­gos renais­sance” of Byzan­tine art in the late medieval peri­od. The fres­co is con­sid­ered a cul­tur­al her­itage of Ser­bia and is pro­tect­ed by the state.

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White Angel
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