I nev­er think you should judge any coun­try by its pol­i­tics. After all, we Eng­lish are quite hon­est by nature, aren’t we ? (Miss Froy)

The Lady Van­ish­es is a roman­tic thriller film direct­ed by Alfred Hitch­cock, star­ring Mar­garet Lock­wood (Iris, a wealthy young woman), Michael Red­grave (Gilbert, an eccen­tric eth­no­mu­si­col­o­gist) and Dame May Whit­ty (Miss Froy, an elder­ly lady). Iris befriends Miss Froy on a train jour­ney through Europe. How­ev­er, when Iris wakes up from a nap, she dis­cov­ers that Miss Froy has mys­te­ri­ous­ly dis­ap­peared and no one on the train seems to remem­ber ever see­ing her. As Iris tries to unrav­el the mys­tery of the lady’s dis­ap­pear­ance, with the help of Gilbert, she uncov­ers a web of intrigue, espi­onage, and decep­tion. The Lady Van­ish­es was filmed in 1938 at the Gains­bor­ough Stu­dios in Isling­ton, Lon­don. The film marks the first appear­ance of Char­ters and Caldicott (played by Naun­ton Wayne and Basil Rad­ford), as crick­et enthu­si­asts anx­ious to see the last days of a test match in England,

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The Lady Vanishes