Let me not to the mar­riage of true minds
Admit imped­i­ments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alter­ation finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.

Son­net 116 is a poem writ­ten by William Shake­speare and first pub­lished in a quar­to (Lon­don, 1609) as a part of a 154-son­net sequence. The poem is an expres­sion of the poet­’s idea of true love, which he describes as con­stant, unchang­ing, and eter­nal. He com­pares true love to a “star” that guides sailors through the storms of life, and says that even death can­not change or dimin­ish it. The poem con­cludes with the famous line, “Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks / With­in his bend­ing sick­le’s com­pass come.” This line means that true love is not affect­ed by the pas­sage of time or by phys­i­cal beau­ty fading.

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Sonnet 116