In ancient times of met­al bright,
The Great Torc shone with gold­en light.
A mys­tery from the Iron Age,
Craft­ed with skill, a his­toric stage.
In Snet­tisham’s soil, it lay concealed,
A trea­sure of art, now revealed.
A sym­bol of wealth, sta­tus grand,
A mas­ter­piece from a dis­tant land.

The Snet­tisham Great Torc, a large Iron Age neck ring craft­ed in elec­trum dat­ing back to the 1st cen­tu­ry BC, stands out as a mas­ter­piece of the Celtic Britons. This exquis­ite piece is the crown jew­el of the Snet­tisham Hoard, a col­lec­tion of torcs and met­al­work unearthed in 1950 near the vil­lage of Snet­tisham in Nor­folk, East Anglia. Renowned for its crafts­man­ship, the Great Torc is on dis­play in the British Museum.

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Snettisham Great Torc
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