The first instal­ment of Yasu­jiro Ozu’s Noriko trilogy.

Late Spring, direct­ed by Yasu­jir? Ozu and released in 1949, is a Japan­ese film set in Tokyo sub­urbs. It tells the sto­ry of a wid­ow­er, Shu­kichi Somiya (Chishu Ryu), and his adult daugh­ter, Noriko (Set­suko Hara). Shu­kichi is reluc­tant to let Noriko leave the fam­i­ly home and mar­ry, as he relies on her for com­pan­ion­ship and help with his busi­ness. How­ev­er, Noriko wants to start her own life and find a hus­band. Through a series of events, father and daugh­ter come to under­stand and accept each oth­er’s per­spec­tives, lead­ing to a poignant and emo­tion­al con­clu­sion. The film is wide­ly con­sid­ered to be a mas­ter­piece of Japan­ese cin­e­ma, and is known for its sub­tle sto­ry­telling and its real­is­tic por­tray­al of fam­i­ly dynamics.

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Late Spring