The rights of the uncom­mon man must always be respected.

A Mat­ter of Life and Death is a 1946 British fan­ta­sy-roman­tic war film direct­ed by Michael Pow­ell and Emer­ic Press­burg­er, and set in Eng­land dur­ing the Sec­ond World War. The film stars David Niv­en as Peter Carter, a Roy­al Air Force pilot who, after bail­ing out of his burn­ing plane, finds him­self in a strange lim­bo between life and death, where he is giv­en the chance to defend his life in a celes­tial court. The film also stars Kim Hunter as June, the woman Peter falls in love with while await­ing his fate. The film’s themes include the val­ue of human life, the pow­er of love, and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an after­life. The film was shot in Tech­ni­col­or at Den­ham Film Stu­dios in Den­ham, Buck­ing­hamshire, England.

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A Matter of Life and Death