Dimitri_UdovickiDim­itri-Pierre Georges Udovic­ki is since 2014 film direc­tor at the Memen­to Mun­di mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary insti­tute for cog­ni­tive arts & sci­ence.

Mem­ber of the sur­re­al­ist Pan­ic Move­ment (Mou­ve­ment panique) found­ed by Span­ish writer Fer­nan­do Arra­bal and co-founders Roland Topor, Ale­jan­dro Jodor­ows­ki, he recent­ly direct­ed Dali vs Picas­so, writ­ten by Fer­nan­do Arra­bal (pre­miered at the Bel­grade Bitef The­atre in 2015 & quot­ed by Arra­bal as being its best version).

He was born on March 17, 1979 in Paris, France.

Flu­ent in 5 lan­guages (French, Eng­lish, Russ­ian, Ser­bo-Croa­t­ian, Span­ish), Dim­itri stud­ied at the Lee Stras­berg insti­tute in Los Ange­les back in 2006.

He start­ed mod­el­ing in Vogue Paris and appeared in com­mer­cials with Sofia Loren.

After high school, Dim­itri was men­tored by Uzbek film direc­tor Ali Kham­raev where he trav­eled to Tashkent, Uzbek­istan as his assistant.

In Moscow, Rus­sia Dim­itri enrolled in 2001 for post grad­u­ate stud­ies at High­er Cours­es of Scriptwrit­ers (BKCR) in the Mas­ter­class of Vladimir Kho­tinienko, Pavel Finn and Vladimir Fenshenko.

His oth­er teach­ers were to name some: Toni­no Guer­ra, Niki­ta Mikhalkov, Krzysztof Zanus­si, Vladimir Men­shov, Pavel Lungin.

Dur­ing these cours­es, Dim­itri direct­ed sev­er­al films, one of them REMINISCENCIA, with cult Ser­bian actress Son­ja Sav­ic, toured Euro­pean short film festivals.

In 2008, Dim­itri fin­ished his doc­u­men­tary film about the Aral sea.


- ARAL-DEATH OF A SEA, a documentary/winner of the “Spe­cial jury prize for tal­ent­ed and coura­geous inter­pre­ta­tion of the Aral Sea tragedy” at the Cin­e­ma­ri­na Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val, Best Direc­tor Award at the SALENTO FINIBUS TERRAE Short Film Fes­ti­val and Spe­cial men­tion prize at the Inter­na­tion­al Audio­vi­su­al Fes­ti­val of Biodiversity.

- LOVING VERA (a short)


- JE T’AIME (a short)

- HOME (a short) (Post Production)

- OLGA’S SON (a fea­ture in development)


Dim­itri’s god­fa­ther is the Russ­ian direc­tor Andrei Konchalovsky.


Aral — Death of a Sea (26mins)
Dim­itri Udovic­ki at IMDb
An inter­view of Dim­itri Udovic­ki at the Cin­e­ma­ri­na festival
Dali vs Picas­so in La Règle du Jeu
Dalí y Picas­so file at the Insti­tu­to Cervantes
Wikipedia link