— Peo­ple aroung here are very poor I suppose.
— Not poor, they just haven’t got money.
— It’s the same thing.
— Oh no, it’s some­thing quite different

I Know Where I’m Going! is a British roman­tic com­e­dy film direct­ed by Michael Pow­ell and Emer­ic Press­burg­er. The film stars Wendy Hiller as a strong-willed and inde­pen­dent woman who trav­els to rejoin and mar­ry a wealthy indus­tri­al­ist who lives in his scot­tish cas­tle, Kilo­ran. How­ev­er, she becomes strand­ed on the island of Mull, then meets and falls in love with the true own­er of Kilo­ran, a naval offi­cer, Torquil Mac­Neil (Roger Livesey). The film is known for its stun­ning Scot­tish land­scapes, its depic­tion of the strug­gle between tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern val­ues, Roger Livesey’s por­tray­al of the charm­ing and charis­mat­ic naval offi­cer who wins the heart of the pro­tag­o­nist, its por­tray­al of the Hebrides island and the way of life of its inhab­i­tants. The film was released in 1945 and is con­sid­ered a clas­sic of British cinema.

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I Know Where I'm Going!